May 24, 2011

a summer memory

a summer memory
the middle of summer,
an evening ball game in the park.
cold beer on a hot night,
music and dancing...
all worth remembering.

May 19, 2011


don't get me wrong...
i knew it would show up eventually,

but it sure took it's sweet time.
i can smell it in the air...
even the grey days aren't so bad.
seeing the fresh green haze
makes me feel
like things are new again.
my girls keep me so busy,
i still struggle to find
the right time to
remember me.
to remember to plan
and create
and get in touch
with the voice inside.
blue skies,
song birds,
frogs peeping at dusk.
walks to the river
and the sun on my face...
little reminders
to slow down
and make some mental notes.